Have you ever taken a personality test? (Here is a good one). Or do you follow your horoscope closely? I’m going to take it a step further and ask you if you are self aware.
A lot of us get a kick out of accurate descriptions of ourselves, hence the popularity of Buzzfeeds’ “Things only X People Understand” videos. But there is value in digging deeper.
What drives you? What do you dislike about your world? Does how you spend your time feel right for you? I’m asking you to be self aware because I’ve observed that people know what’s not right for them, but they don’t know what is right for them.
You could be starting your adult life the wrong way because it seemed like easy/guaranteed money, or an authority figure said it was best for you. If you secretly hate how you spend most of your day, and you don’t make a change, you will only resent yourself in the future. No one wants to be 80, full of regrets, and thinking, “What if?”
I stumbled into a profession in which my skills have been growing at an amazing speed, and opportunities are around every corner. I want to tell you how I got here, in the hopes that you will also find your way.
I Observe Myself and the World Around Me Non-Stop
Being an over-thinker hasn’t always been good for me, but it has made me aware of what I need to learn and what I have to give to this world.
I Wasn’t Afraid to Change My Plans
As long as I continued to lean on strengths, and the things I’m curious about, the specific job title didn’t matter. Even if it meant a “boring” job, or not my “dream job.” Your strengths can be anything, from kindness to Javascript coding abilities. Leave the door open.
I Genuinely Enjoy Learning
Once I find out I’m drawn to something, or good at it, I educate myself and improve my skills. You don’t have to love school to love learning. Self awareness means knowing the best way for you to learn.
I’m Always Doing Something
As long as I’m providing value, and continuing to learn and grow. I jump into things and adjust as I go. If you aren’t too excited about your main thing, but you can’t leave just yet, really devote yourself to a side job or hobby and see what happens. I have seen that failing or being frustrated are opportunities that propel me forward. Sitting at home doing nothing leads you nowhere.
An important note to make here is I’m also aware of how young and clueless I am in general. This is advice for people trying to find their place in life. I’m still finding mine, but I think I’ve figured out how I’m going to navigate the journey. I hope this can help anyone in my place who is feeling stuck.
So, what do you think?