Many people don’t realize that personalizing a room doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming. It is, however, guaranteed to be an investment into improving your day-to-day mood and keeping yourself inspired.
Being a designer means I understand basic principles of color, space, and balance, so I do understand decorating is easier for me than for someone who is less creatively inclined. Because of this, I thought I would break down some tips to getting started on designing your space. It’s really not as hard as it looks!
Get Inspired
Before you get started I would recommend 2 resources.
First, If you are particularly overwhelmed, binge watch Mr. Kate on Youtube. She has dozens of videos of her and her husband decorating. From remodeling an entire house, or completely designing rooms, to DIY projects and small easy tips to give rooms a little personality. She is the ultimate interior decorating resource.
Secondly; Pinterest Pinterest Pinterest. This is the first stop for most designers in 2017. You’ll get how-to’s and ideas on what types of furniture or accessories you really like. You’ll see how certain things go together and you can save your favourites in a board to reference as you begin decorating. It’s likely that you’ll unknowingly put together a color palette too.
Easy Starting Points
It’s always good to start with what you already have in your home. Ask yourself, “what can you use to create a DIY decorative piece? What can you paint to bring a little life back into it? Is there a plain wall you find yourself staring at often?” These are great places to start implementing ideas you found online.
One simple way to make a space more inviting is displaying pictures of friends and family on walls and tables. A good balance between those and paintings or illustrations will make you look like you really know what you are doing. If DIY art projects scare you, you can always buy prints and have them framed.
Get some knick knacks out on display. That’s actually what they are for. Those weird glass and ceramic things you get in gift bags or see in shops, put them on surfaces throughout your home. Try things like candles, vases, small plants, and paperweights.
Bring in Help
Are you still overwhelmed? Another resource is your creative friend/family member. (Everyone has one.) If you know anyone with an eye for design, who understands your taste, work with them to help you put all the pieces together.
Originally published at Out Loud Studio.
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