Picking a provider is a decision you should be making with confidence. That’s why I want to share my recommendation with you.
Questions to Guide Brand Personification
I have refined my line of questioning that helps my clients and I define their brands’ personalities. This is going to feel like homework if you do it right, so settle down, grab a snack, and focus. Remember, the more you think, the more useful your answers will be.
Your Brand’s Personality Matters
Why Personify a Brand? Because your brand will ultimately need to connect to real people.The personality of your brand is a starting point for all your client or consumer facing projects.
How (and Why) I Set Up Custom Emails
No matter what your brand is, and why people are emailing you, having a custom email address will always work to your advantage. It’s a seemingly small detail that instantly gives your brand a boost in your credibility
Who Owns Source Files? It Depends
Why clients may feel entitled to source files, and how you can explain your position against it. At the end of the day, you should make the call based on your unique circumstances. Sometimes holding on the the source file does more harm than good.
Tried and True Techniques for a Cool Logo
Lately, I tend to work in the middle of these 2 techniques, depending on what the client needs. This is Part 4 of a 4 Part series that takes a deep dive into what makes a logo uncool, and how to make them cooler.
Your Logo’s Not Doing Anything
This is a much better alternative to doing too much: no one can say your logo is ugly, but they might say it’s boring. This is Part 3 of a 4 Part series that takes a deep dive into what makes a logo uncool, and how to make them cooler.
The Process of Freelancing
If you are freelancing, you are no longer “you.” You are a business and a brand, and you will only regret it in the long run if you don’t structure yourself correctly from the start.
Working Multiple Jobs Without Feeling Overwhelmed
A lot of us are pursuing some sort of personal dream while working a full or part-time job to make ends meet. Before December, that’s where I was at.
5 Things You Should Discuss with Your Designer Before The Project Begins
Right off the bat, there are certain things that your designer needs you to provide. Holding back on giving this information will almost alway lead to project delays or disappointing results. The sooner they know these things the better. So before your next project, be sure you cover the following bases with your designer or design team.